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Tabitha Layton


The Most Influntial Person in My Life


Tabitha was always a smart, fun, goofball.  Not to mention, very outgoing.  Tabitha was a Young Wemon (Loral) in my home Ward in Ohio, Pickerington 1st Ward.  She was the daugther of my mom's best freind growing up. Tabitha had a way of getting to know every one and knowing everthing they love. She always looked out for everyone. She was a true friend.  Sister Layton, Tabitha's mom, always said "Tabitha cheers for the underdog. She cheers on the ones whom need it most. "I've always wanted to be like that, but I was too shy to speak out.  Tabitha seemed to notice very fast how shy I was. Tabitha never thought for even a second if she should help someone or not.  She just did it.  Tabithat is the best repesentive of our church I have ever seen.  She truly shows who we are and what we believe.


The nest time I hear someone say members of the LDS church are not as rightous and kind as they state to be, I want them to meet Tabitha Layton.






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